Monday, December 30, 2013

2010 through 2015 Memorial Donations

2015 Memorial Donations

Jane's Baby BoyLisa's Bear
Marie's BelleCD's BigMac (2012)
Marty's Boca and CricketJessica's Cedric (2013)Lani's Charbonneau
Anna and Levi's Charlie
Venita's Ennis (2012)
Laura's Hadley (5/25/15)
Luna's Harry

Dyana's J.D. (11/17/2014)
Amy's Jibbit (2014)
Judith's Juliette
Dawn's Lily
George's Mao Den (10/9/15)
Teress's Olivia
Wendy's Oscar (7/16/15)
Lylene's Paisley (5/27/15)
Wendy's Rascal (9/1/15)
Rachelle's Schmoopie Kitty
Wanda's Sebastian

Toni's SewaneeKatherine's Smokey
Debbie's Snickers (8/29/15)
Paula's Snortimer
Lisa's Spanky
Carolyn's Spock (12/27/14)
Jennifer's Sweet Potato (7/15/15)
Brent's Tigger (9/14/15)
2014 Memorial Donations

Caryl and Jackson's Alex (2013)
Missy and Jerilee's Angel
Mira's Apollon (aka Puni) (2013)
Monica's Atticus
Linda's Austin Valentino
(20YO DLH orange that died the day after he was adopted)
Dian's Beasley (2012)
CD's BigMac (2012)
Jacqueline's Billie (2012)
Jesse's Cedric
Venita's Charlie, Blanche, Ruby, and Emma (long gone but always in my heart)
Dixie Carner
Carolyn's Dominique
Jane's ExtraCaryl and Alex's Jackson (2012) 
Roxie and Kim's Jamie
Chris's Jerry (AKA Bubba)
Lyresa's KT
Miss Kitty 
Allie's Newkitty 
Paw (a kitty DCIN couldn't help in 2013)
Pickle (under the care of the MCSPCA)
Rich's Rex
Claudia's Rocket (2012)
Lynda's ScruffyPumpkinPattyPaws (2012)
Sue R's Dad
Cindy's Tarzan 

Dan and Carol's TC 
Dian's Twinkie (2013)
Dian's Wheezer (2013)

2013 Memorial Donations

Caryl and Jackson's Alex
Lisa's Baloo
Jennifer's Baxter
Carolyn's Big Mac (2012)
J's Billie (2012)
Carl's Bob Phoebe's Buster

Lisa's Carly
Barb's Casper
Gwen's Catlin and Tammi
Jesse's Cedric
Catherine's Claire
Rena's Clide
Stacey's Dimitri
Paula's Dragon (2012)
Rhea's Furble
Caryl and Alex's Jackson (2012)
Jean Larkin
Carolyn's Jesse 

Marcy's Klinger
Michelle's Mannie, the Nanner King
Hope's MC
Choy-Foong's Meowzi (2011)
Peggy's Mickey (2012)

Wendi's Milo
Mark's Mischief (1999)
Barb's Missy
Roni's Moonie
Elena's Moritz (2012)
Wendy and Marc's Nelson
Julie's Punkin

Claudia's Rocket (2012)
Barb's Sami
Sandi and Bruce's Sammy
Michelle's Scrabble
Janine's Scratchy (2012)
Lynda's ScruffyPumpkinPattyPaws (2012)
Stephanie's Sebastian
Donna's Shiloh (2011)
Melanie's Smokey (2012)
JennF's/DCIN's Tidus
Desi's Tinkerbell
dian's Wheezer

And, in honor of--
Three cats in Lori's heart, including DT Kittyboy

2012 Memorial Donations

Michelle's Angel
Dian's Mr. Beasley
Carolyn's Big Mac
Jackie's Billie
Hope's B.K.
Megan's Black Bear (2010)
Ele's Blackie
Newtown CT's Catherine Violet Hubbard
Ellen's Ceenka
Lynda's Mom, Cis Babik
Lisa's Conor
Ellen's Daisy
Emmy and Bob's Dude
Ellen's Duke
Cat Rescue Coalition's Einstein
Venita's Ennis
Cara's P.J. Fry
Hope's Fuschia
Vicky's Gandalf
Linda's Guinness
Ann's Gustav
Lisa's Janeway
Joe in Montana

Nina's KB
Kirby (AKA Bean), the namesake for Kirby's Kits
Kim's Kitty
CJ's Kona
Judy's Louise
Phoebe's Mauser
Choy-Foong's Meowzi (2011)
Peggy's Mickey
Missy Moo
Rosalie's Morgaine
Karen, Rachel, and McLovins' Morgan
Elena's Moritz
Carrie's Mouse George Monette
Mel's Musette
Linda Lee's Napoleon and Augustus (they would have been 22 this year)
Suzanne's Nemo
Deb's Nikki
Michele's Peeps
Jesse's friend Rita
Pinky's brother Roy
Amber's Sam
Shelley and her Scar, Bernie, Murucci, and Kotcha
Lynda's ScruffyPumpkinPattyPaws
Phoebe's Foster, Gayle's Shadoe
Jennifer's Sindbad, Sorianna's brother
Melanie's Smokey
Holly's Spader (2008), Squirt, Oliver, and Daisy (2011)
Cody's brother Tenderfoot
Gina's Yittle (2010)
Hope's Vinnie, and all the other beloved darlings that have finished their journeys on Earth and now send their love from the vastness.
Shari's Zergling, sister to extra-sweet Max

2011 Memorial Donations

Stacy's Annabelle
Megan's Black Bear
Patti and Joe's Boris
Marty's Bouncer
MJ's Captain Shane Andrew Abraham Donovan
Michelle's Doodle
Vicky's Gandalf
Kim Daugherty, Poughkeepsie's original Mom
Recent Lantus Land GAs
Pam's Layla
April's Leo
Terri's Lucy
Shirley's Pico
Trisha's Putter
Margi's Rusti
Chris's Sheba
Beth's Simon
Holly's Spader
Lori's Tom
Jennifer's Tucker
Judy and John's Tucker
Cheryl's Whiskers

2010 Memorial Donations

Hope's Gizzy, 2010
Crystal's Kahuna
All Lantus Land 2010 GAs
Mandy, 2010
Nicole's Roo
Stanley, 4/1/2010
Wendy's Tiger, 11/13/2010
Varina, 1991 to 2010
Gina's Yittle

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