Mom's heart is broken. Mom has had her heart-cat Paisley since she adopted her through DCIN in July 2011. Paisley was in a shelter that might have destroyed her for being diabetic. Paisley likely will continue to crawl on her Mom's chest and hug her neck from the beyond, just as she did in life. ~Venita
Paisley above. Scottie and Barry below. |
April 5, 2012--Paisley has a serious run-in with a UTI the last couple of weeks. DCIN helped with about $260 of vetting for that. It was touch and go for awhile because Paisley kept acting like she would not eat, but Lylene, as any good mother would, syringe fed her food. Paisley finally turned around after about day 3 on the ABx.
While the vets (yes, two separate visits) were examining Paisley is that she needs a dental--immediately. And it turns out so does her brother, Barry.
Please help DCIN help Lylene pay for those procedures, and for the advance vetting that had to be done to get Paisley's UTI cleared up and her back to eating.
We are wrapping the chip-in for the two cats together and seeing how close we can get to $1,000 for both of them. The advance vetting to prep them for dentals cost DCIN $500.
August 2011--Lylene writes about Paisley:
Greetings from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We are proudly known as Yoopers. We have our own way of living here and it suits laid back cats with diabetes. Those poor souls who live below the Mackinac Bridge in the Lower Peninsula are known as Trolls. They have our sympathies.
Paisley's journey from Troll to Yooper actually started in June of 2009 when Barry, a cat at our local shelter, was diagnosed with diabetes. His life, as did Paisley's, hung in the balance. Armed with information I obtained from the Feline Diabetes site and a few other sources as to how feline diabetes is treatable, the shelter manager decided to foster Barry. After I cat sat for Barry during her two week vacation, it was decided that Barry could get more consistent care with me. Thus began my journey into living with a diabetic cat. After five months on Lantus, Barry's diabetes is now diet controlled.
Those are some gorgeous ears, Ms. Paisley!! |
On July 26, 2011, I picked up Paisley from the shelter. She looked so petite and fragile. We spent the night with relatives in a nearby town just in case we ran into any difficulties. Everything went fine and I found that she wasn't nearly as timid as she had appeared. We headed home the next afternoon and Paisley officially became a Yooper at 1:00 a.m. on July 28, 2011.
She has her own bedroom and is gracious enough to let me nap with her. Besides Barry, four cats, two large dogs, and two turtle doves call this home. Outside are chickens, ducks, geese and a turkey. They provide entertainment. Moths provide occasional exercise and snacks. She is slowly getting used to the other cats and dogs. We are having problems with Paisley attacking one particular cat. She was grounded for a few days and now wears a harness and leash when she is out of her room.
Treating the diabetes is still a work in progress. Her diet is mostly raw with grain-free Wellness once in a while. Her blood sugar is tested several times through the day. It's not her favorite thing to do but I make sure to spend time with her to make up for poking her ear. Paisley's ears to a bit of getting used to as Barry's ears are thick and hers are very thin. Keeping everything together so it is ready when it is time to test is very helpful and decreases stress.
Paisley is on Lantus insulin. Dosage is adjusted according to her blood sugar. The Feline Diabetes Message Board members have been great. Given that we are in a rural area with limited access to veterinary care, it's helpful to have another resource available. One of the major difficulties I've run into is that many veterinarians are not extremely familiar with feline diabetes and its treatment. They may not be familiar with home testing and well versed with how the various types of insulin work on cats. Given the wide variety of illnesses and injuries veterinarians face daily, it must be difficult to keep up on the latest illnesses and treatments. That is why it's so important to double check and ask questions.
Caring for a diabetic cat can be stressful. Insulin must be given at specified times and it seems something is always causing a bit of concern. The rewards are great. Watching a cat blossom touches your heart is such a special way. Even though I have to work my schedule around Paisley, it is definitely worthwhile. Trying to get blood for a test and it just is not working is so frustrating. Knowing that the pokes hurt her a bit make me step back and look at the goal. Always remember the goal. Always remember the lives saved because you are willing to open you home and heart.
July 3, 2011--Paisley will soon own Lylene (of Lylene and Barry from the FDMB). Paisley is now staying at home with Jess, the shelter's vet tech, until she can be spayed and recover the week of July 11. Then Lylene, who lives just about as far north as Michigan goes, will pick Paisley up from Jess. DCIN will not have to put together a transport train.

Paisley is a very sweet, quiet, and cuddly kitty. She loves to be held and cuddled, and is very content sitting on/in your lap. She purred easily when I held her, and was just fine with my kids petting and loving her up. She is not a high-energy kitty, but I can't help but wonder if that changes as she gets better and gains more weight. Jessica has gotten one love-nip from Paisley when she stopped petting her--apparently Paisley wasn't done getting affection, but she said it didn't hurt.
Jessica said Paisley has gained 6oz since the food/insulin switch, and her coat has improved. To me she is definitely still too skinny (and to Jessica as well), but she's eating plenty and is very happy with her Fancy Feast food. She does have dandruff and sheds a lot, but again, I think as she continues to get better, that will improve/disappear. Her ears and eyes are clean. Her teeth may need a cleaning when she's healthy, but they don't look bad. All of them looked present to me. And she didn't put up a fuss about me checking her out either. Jessica said her other blood level values had all cleared up since the food/insulin change (apparently there were a few that were slightly off before, but they are now all perfectly in line).
I tested Paisley when Jessica left the room for a minute, and she purred through the whole thing. Jessica said she usually tests/shoots while Paisley is eating, and she doesn't even twitch. She does bruise rather easily at the test site, though, so Jessica does not test terribly often, but always tests before giving a shot. She has adjusted her dose once already (increase), and was preparing to do another curve on Sunday. She said Paisley's numbers are fairly predictable already--usually 200s in the morning, and 300s in the evening. Jessica said she was also hoping to do a urinalysis on Paisley, but as of yet hadn't been able to get her to pee in the plastic litter. Oh, and Jessica said she read the scruff v. flank debate for shots, and said Paisley does not seem to care where she gets her shot (she's done scruff, flank, and stomach/side area). Paisley would not allow for paw testing, so is VERY happy that Jessica now has a meter and can prick her ear instead of doing a blood draw. Jessica said Paisley is also not drinking or peeing as much as before.
I am attaching the pics I took and the video. We were in a small room, and Paisley wanted to be loved more than she wanted to walk, but she did appear ambulatory under her own power.
I emailed Jessica last night with a PDF of my Max's spreadsheet. She was very excited to hear that so many cats have gone into remission. Both she and the vet she is working with have no experience with a FD going into remission. They are both learning from Paisley and from all of us. I also sent her a link to Janet & Binky's food charts so they can investigate canned food carb values further. I gave Jessica my meter and the new vial of strips I had--the meter has been discontinued, so I need to get a new one anyway. The strips will expire at the end of the year, and we'll never use them all up at home. I also brought a small baggie of freeze-dried chicken treats and gave that to Jessica as well. She was floored to find out there was such a thing, and that my cats go crazy for it. More importantly, she was excited to have a treat option that was safe for Paisley to eat.

June 20, 2011--I spoke to Jessica (vet tech extraordinaire at the shelter) today about Paisley. Ms. P. is being very good about hometesting, and has been on Lantus for 3 days. This morning, her PS was in the 200s. She is looking like she is feeling better. The shelter has found a way to give her the Lantus twice/day, although I didn't ask what that way is.
Paisley is now solely eating Fancy Feast Classic--about 6 cans/day. Jess asked whether they should limit her food and I said no. She needs the nutrition and the weight.
Jess asked whether she should increase the Lantus dose. I explained about getting mid-cycle BG numbers. Jess will start testing her mid-cycle tomorrow.
We are talking about when to get Ms. P. spayed, which the shelter will do. DCIN also is talking to some folks about fostering or adopting Ms. Paisley. If you are interested, please throw your hat into the ring. I hear from Jess that Ms. P. is a most awesome cat.
I love working with this shelter and Jessica.
June 17, 2011--The shelter has agreed to try Paisley on Lantus insulin and hometesting, and to give her a bit more time before she is destroyed. (Thank you, shelter folks!!) The shelter received the insulin and testing equipment today. It also will take care of getting her spayed, or paying for her spay, if we find her a home.
We have had two offers of a temporary foster home if DCIN pays all the costs, but we really would like to find her a permanent home before we go the foster home route.
June 15, 2011-One week from today, Paisley will be destroyed if no one rescues her.
Paisley is a 4-5 YO, DSH orange tabby. She is an unaltered female that weighs about 6lbs, 5oz, on an 8-10 lb. frame. She came to a shelter on 5/4/2011, but the shelter cannot keep her because it cannot treat her. Here is the Craigslist ad for Paisley.Paisley does not seem to have a PetFinder listing with the shelter.
Paisley does well in shelter; she is a sweet cat purrs when held. However little else is known about her demeanor or whether she gets along with other cats, dogs, and children?
Paisley was diagnosed diabetic on 5/14/11. The shelter knows of no history of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Paisley's current diabetes symptoms are PU/PD, weight loss, and hyperglycemia. Paisley is on Humulin N 10 units, once a day. (The shelter does not have the staffing to give shots twice a day.) Paisley is not tested with a glucometer. Her BG level when checked on 5/5/2011 was 395mg/dl. On 6/7/2011, it was 282mg/dl, but we have no info on when that reading was taken in relation to her insulin or food.
Paisley eats Dry Taste of the Wild (2/3 cup once a day) and Fancy Feast canned before each day's insulin shot.
Paisley has no other current medical issues. Her past medical history is unknown. The shelter knows of no nehavior problems. Paisley tested negative for FIV/FeLV on 5/4/2011. The shelter has not given her any vaccines.
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