
Her behavior has completely changed now that she is home. I saw her about three hours ago, and she is in "her" bedroom, on "her" couch, stretched out getting her belly scratched! When I came in, she jumped up on my lap and head-butted me...purring all the while. Needless to say, she is eating well and has already found her litter box and put it to good use. She got her insulin and pain med without so much as a peep, all while sitting on my lap. Also, she clearly understands what "cute" means, and that she is! This afternoon she spent quite a bit of time sitting in the window and relaxing, and took a nice long nap after her busy day. Oh, one other thing...Marie has one of those very large exercise ball thingies, and Belle has learned that if she whacks the ball with her tail, it makes a thumping noise. She has also learned that when Marie hears the thumping noise, she comes to check on Belle. It didn't take Belle long to figure out that whacking the ball with her tail is just as good as ordering room service!DCIN promised to provide Marie with Belle's first 5-pack of Lantus insulin. This promise is being fulfilled by Marialyce, who had some of the free Lantus that she had left when Juniper went off-the-juice.
Belle is an 8 year old, front declawed, black and white short-hair cat with green eyes. She was diagnosed with diabetes about 18 months ago, and her owners refused to treat her. They had said they would be finding her a new home,but last week they brought her to the MurrayHill Veterinary Hospital to have her put to sleep. She had been left home alone for a week and had a sinus/facial abscess that ruptured, creating a large hole in the side of her face. The vet saved her, and the office staff contacted a member of the FDMB. Belle is outgoing, sweet, and loving. She is now on Lantus insulin, 1 unit twice a day. She LOVES any canned food, and is currently eating and loving Purina DM canned and dry. Belle is thinner, and needs to gain some weight, which she likely will once she is regulated on her insulin. She has no known history of DKA. She is not yet accustomed to home testing with a glucometer.

1 comment:
We are very interested in Belle but lgositics may interefer. We are finishin a temp. deploymentment (Air Nat'l Guard) in Hawaii and will be return to Ocala FL in June to our permanent home.
Hawaii has strict entrance requirements before the cat could enter Hawaii w/o pentalty and expensive boarding @ a facility. 120 days needed after a specific test pulled, ..... so by that time we would be headed to FL. If nothing works out closer for he, do keep us on the back burner. Valerie yahoo Diabetic Cat boards
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