January 31, 2011--Currier is now home with his new Dad and furry siblings. Don has started Currier on Lantus insulin. Currier has a "cauliflower ear" on the left, which I should have observed in his picture. I thought Currier's malformed ear was from an injury or infection, but Don thinks is congenital. Currier is a butterball and will need to slim down some.
Stefani and I pulled Currier from the shelter the night before his transport to Don. Currier is a gentle giant and was a touch cowered by his unfamiliar surroundings. He was easy to test, and didn't seem to need all of the 6.5U of insulin he was getting twice a day at the shelter.
Update 1/28/11--Currier is going home to Don, who has previously adopted
Toby, and
Tommy through DCIN. Don also has his original diabetic, Chubby.
I am pulling Currier tomorrow morning; I am really looking forward to meeting him. Stefani and then Larry will transport Currier through the DC area to Don, who lives in the western part of Virginia. WELCOME HOME, CURRIER!!
Update 1/1/11--Currier remains in the Montgomery County Humane Society shelter. The thing about the HS facility is that it is owned by and shared with the County's Animal Services. Animal Services has first choice on any cages, so if there is no room for the HS's animals, HS's animals have to be pulled by a rescue or face euthanasia.
This is the backgound info on Currier that the HS could provide.
Currier (who came into the shelter named Floppy) is a 6YO grey DSH, and could be considered a Russian Blue mix. He is male/neutered and started low-carb Fancy Feast yesterday. He weights 16 lbs., and has sometimes been allowed to go outside
Currier is a very nice boy. He is a lap cat once he gets to know and trust you. According to his give-up sheet he is good with cats. He has not been exposed to dogs or children. The Humane Society assumes that Currier lived with another cat because it does say on his give-up sheet that he shared a litter box. No other cat was given-up with him.
Currier was diagnosed diabetic by a vet in October, 2010, when he was still living with his family.There does not appear to be a history of DKA or hypoglycemia. He is having problems with inappropriate urination. Currier is receiving Prozinc 6.5 units BID, and not being hometested. He has no other health issues at the moment, but being in a shelter, an upper respiratory infection (URI) is always a possibility.
Currier was combo tested on 12/18/10 and is negative for FIV, FELV and Heathworm. He is current on his rabies 10/18/10. The shelter has Currier's most current records and will be happy to share them with a potential adopted. He had no other medical issues before the onset of diabetes.
Initial Post, 12/19/10--I recently received this email.
I work with the Montgomery County Humane Society in the Rescue Dept. We just took in a 7 year old diabetic cat named Currier. Is there anyone in the DC area that works as a rescue for diabetic cats. He is on insulin twice a day and at least the owner turned in his medication along with the cat. I have a diabetic cat of my own and know that they can still live a very full life.
Thanks in advance for any help that you can give. The phone number here at the shelter is 240-271-0656.
Geri Bellman
I called the shelter and placed a "hold" on Currier, meaning that DCIN would be working to find him a way out of the shelter---foster or adoption. I did explain that DCIN does not have a shelter facility or a foster network. I submitted DCIN's 501c3 paperwork and adoption contract to "register" as a pulling rescue. I was told:
* Currier's owners said they were surrendering because they didn't have the time for him. They did disclose the diabetes.
* According to the "give up sheet," Currier is 16 lbs, has a good appetite, and is good with other cats. He does not play with toys. He is affectionate, calm, and reclusive.
* Currier is having a problem with inappropriate urination. He is on 7 units twice a day of ProZinc. The shelter is giving him insulin. He is not being hometested.
In my opinion, Currier is being overdosed with the insulin and is at risk of hypoglycemia. He is young (6 years and 3 days old when surrendered--quite a birthday gift, huh Currier?) and should be able to go into remission if he is soon properly managed with an appropriate insulin, hometesting, and low-carb wet food. Inappropriate urination is a symptom of mismanaged diabetes.
I could not get a really clear answer about Currier's risk for euthanasia and what the timeline for that would be.
I have a vague memory that DCIN has been involved in the past with a diabetic from this shelter, but I can't recall what cat. Might anyone remember?
1 comment:
Venita, I pulled Sebastian Purrbox, my current DCIN foster, from this shelter. They had contacted the local rescue I work with, Montgomery County SPCA, and MCSPCA subsequently contacted me and got me to agree to foster (which I did after getting DCIN involved) and they arranged the "pull." I am close enough to visit this shelter if needed to check on him. Unfortunately, the foster slot at my house is full. MCHS is a kill shelter, so I don't know how much time he may have. Although they don't really like being a kill shelter, so they usually will work with you.
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