November 3, 2011: Sweet Chance needs a home, can you help? He has a temporary placement with the rescue, but they can't take care of him the way he needs. Currently on oral meds for diabetes, a home with proper diet and some insulin would be best for this little man.
From the rescue group: "To make a long story short, Chance came into our adoption program "by chance", after a Member of our group was notified that a cat had been hanging in out in their yard and that he looked rather ill. We went to assess the situation and found him to be extremely friendly and he had an ear tattoo. We traced his supposed owner via his tattoo and they cold-heartedly told us that Chance and his sibling went missing over 7 years ago and they had absolutely no interest in taking him back. Unbelievable.
We had Chance vet checked which is when we found out about his diabetes as he was showing classic symptoms- excessive thirst, frequent/big urination, and dry skin, and extreme weight loss (literally skin and bones when we found him). Other than the diabetes, he had a clean bill of health. He is on a special diet and is currently taking the oral medication to start. We really don't specialize in special needs cats so this is all new to us.
Unfortunately, we only have a temporary placement for Chance was in a multi-animal foster home in which it is difficult to properly monitor him and give him the attention he needs. So we are desperately trying to find him more suitable arrangement (either forever or even foster home) as this is only a temporary arrangement (all our foster homes are overfilled with a massive waiting list, which probably comes as no surprise, arghh)
If you have an suggestions or advice that would be greatly welcomed. Do you have foster homes in the area? Any help on networking is also greatly appreciated. My heart breaks for him:("
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