Wednesday, April 11, 2012

FUNraiser: A Kitty Blanket Giveaway

April 23, 2012--And THE WINNER is FDMB's Lisa and Merlyn. The "secret cat" I held the FUNraiser to help is Angel, Missi and Jerilee's diabetic kitty. Congratulations Lisa and congratulations Angel!! ~~Mikey, the DCIN FUNraising spokescat!!


Jerilee ties a kitty blanket
April 11, 2012--Hi, I am Mikey and Mikey likes this giveaway! Our dear Miss Jerilee and her Mom Missi are making a tied kitty blanket for DCIN to "naffle."

Donations for Diabetic Cats
What is a Naffle? It is NOT a raffle, because PayPal does not allow raffles. If you want to enter this giveaway for the blanket without making a donation to DCIN, email me at and I will enter you into the giveaway. But if you want to both enter the giveaway and donate to DCIN to help the sugar kitties, use the options above to choose how much you want to give and I will enter you into the giveaway.

Missi and Miss Jerilee tell me that this is what the 30" by 21" tied kitty blanket you could receive will look like. I think it is bootiful!!
A finished blanket
Mikey, the DCIN
FUNraising Spokesbunny

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