October 20, 2012--The chip-in on Pete's challenge lapsed, so there is a new one here for the remaining $305 DCIN can claim from the $1,000 challenge grant for Pete. Please help DCIN reverse the deficit that Petey's hospitalization caused. (Chip-in widget removed.)
October 5, 2012--Pete has improved immensely. His blood glucose levels have fallen such that he hasn’t had insulin the past couple days. He had his feeding tube pulled yesterday. We hope for new pictures of a happier, healthier Petey soon.
DCIN had just not been able to raise the full amount to match the $1,000 challenge grant for Pete. Thankfully, the challenge donor is willing to keep the challenge there as long as needed. And Missi's September Love Auction, which would have helped Pete and five other animals in need, was not as successful as the auctions have been in the past.
DCIN still has to raise about $1,500 to fully cover Pete's bill without using our depleted general fund. Please help us if you can. (Chip-in widget removed.)
September 29, 2012--Pete's follow-up with the specialty vet was put off until next week. But we are still trying to raise funds to completely match the $1,000 challenge.
September 26, 2012--Pete is doing very well and is keeping his foster Mom on her toes. He started to eat on his own about ten days ago. Ever since then, his blood glucose levels keep falling. Every couple days, his foster Mom does a night-time curve or a mini curve to make sure he’s not getting too much insulin and adjust his dose if necessary.
Sweet Pete returns today to the specialty hospital for a follow-up exam, some bloodwork, and perhaps to have his E-tube removed. DCIN is still quite a bit in the red over Pete's hospitalization, and we haven't been able to claim the full $1,000 challenge donation for his care because we haven't received all the matching donations we need to do that. Can you help? Even $5?
Pete is feeling much better. |
This hospitalization cost a bit over $4,000. So far, DCIN has received very generous donations of $465 toward that cost. In addition, Pete will be the benefited cat in Melissa's next Love Auction. But even with the auction money, which hopefully will be about $500, DCIN still has to raise about $3,100 to keep from going back into a deficit from this hospitalization. Can you help us with a donation?
But, wait, DCIN just received a $1,000 challenge donation. For every $1 we raise from someone else, our anonymous donor will donate $1. Up to $1,000. This is AWESOME!! Can you help? For this challenge, we are opening a separate chip-in, just so we know where we are with claiming the anonymous donor's $1,000. (Chip-in widget removed.)
September 9, 2012--Pete is still in the hospital with Pancreatitis, but his foster Mom says he has rounded a corner and is doing "a THOUSAND times better" than he was two days before. "He was awake and affectionate and very active. His personality is coming back. Apparently he’s tried to escape his cage twice since yesterday when they’ve opened the door. That sounds like Pete!"
The hospital has Pete's tube feedings down to three times a day (which is the frequency needed for home care) and he’s tolerating it. If all goes well today, his foster Mom will bring him home on Monday. His second ultrasound showed a lot of improvement in his pancreas.
Pete's foster Mom (and her sister who will be Pete's backup) have learned how to tube feed him. His foster Mom will work from home most of next week to make sure Pete is adjusting okay. "Knock on wood, fingers crossed, salt thrown over my shoulder, anti-jinx." (Chip-in widget removed.)
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Pete with his feeding tube. |
DCIN needs help with the hospital and treatment costs. Please chip-in if you can. If that's not in your budget, Pete hopes to have your best wishes to get well soon. (Chip-in widget removed.)
August 31, 2012--Pete's foster Mom took him to the vet yesterday because he was clearly not feeling well. The vet send them onto the Specialty/Emergency Hospital because Pete had a temperature of 104 degrees. After a night's stay, exam, bloodwork, and an ultrasound, the vet has diagnosed Pete with pancreatitis. Pete will be getting an feeding tube (E-tube) this afternoon and staying at the hospital until at least Sunday.
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Foster/Adoption Application |
March 2, 2012--An update from Shari:
Pete continues to be a real sweetheart. He wants nothing more than to be with his person. Unfortunately since he doesn’t like other cats he has to spend his time in another room. I just don’t get to spend a lot of time with him. He’s sweet, and loving and so easy to handle. He loves having his stomach rubbed and you can just roll him over and he’s fine with that. He’s a multi-tasker. He likes to lay there and play catch-the-feathers while I’m rubbing his tummy with my foot. He will make someone a wonderful companion.
Two videos of Pete:
November 28, 2011-- Big Pete, now named Sweet Pete, has been in foster care with Shari and her cats for a few weeks, but he has clearly told them that he wants to be an only cat. Shari has done all the right things to transition Pete, but he wants to be the only resident of his kingdom.
I really think that Pete needs to be an ‘only’ cat. I know he’s been here just a few weeks, but I can’t risk the stress with [my other cats]. I know that it may be a while to find him a home, but I think we need to keep his profile active [so that he can] be adopted, probably as an only.Pete has been hyperglycemic in the past, but he is now diet controlled. Please, if you know someone presently without a cat who would like to have a loveable "only" and keep Pete on a low-carb, wet diet, share this post with that person. I don't know how long DCIN can hold Pete in this loving foster home, but I do know we want Pete to be happy, and we want Shari's resident cats to find their peace again. ~Venita
Without the other cats, he is the SWEETEST, coolest, most adorable cat. Even my brother-in-law, who doesn’t like cats, thought he was pretty cool (no, they can’t adopt him). He will make someone very very happy. And it breaks my heart, because when it’s just him out, I absolutely fall in love with him over and over.
November 9, 2011--Thanks to all, especially Shari, for helping with the costs of getting Big Pete to his new foster home. And thanks to Shari for giving Pete a foster home. She sent new photos (my goodness he is a handsome man) and this message:
Big Pete is approximately 16 pounds of pure affection. Very sweet cat. He has settled into his new room quite quickly. He was out of the carrier almost immediately and exploring everything. He’s so relaxed about everything and just loves to chase the toys. I’ve been introducing his scent to my cats with the towel from his carrier, and of course I’m well “scented” every time I leave the room. Tomorrow I’m moving him to a different room, where there’s opportunity for “under the door” introductions (the current room is pretty well sealed off when the door is closed) and my cats will be able to explore the room he’s been in . Big Pete is definitely curious about what’s on the other side of the door. Will keep you posted.*************************************************************************
November 2, 2011--This weekend, Pete is flying to his new foster home with Shari near Pittsburgh. If all goes well, this will be Pete's forever home.
DCIN needs help with the costs to transport Pete. Please Chip-in if you can. If that's not in your budget, Pete hopes to have your best wishes on his travel and transition. (Chip-in widget removed.)
October 29, 2011--Message from Kirsten, putting Big Pete at risk.
Hi Venita, I appreciate what you have done this past week. We are getting snow in RI. Pete has wanted to come in the past two weeks from isolation. He has come in several times from my sunroom via door pushing his way in. I will have to make a decision soon. I will most likely have to place him in the Potter shelter in Middletown RI. His sugar has been under control for months now. I really have no other avenue to explore.DCIN is not familiar with the Potter Shelter or whether Big Pete would be safe there. I suspect "soon" means immediately, as DCIN has been trying for months to find a solution for Kirsten and Big Pete.
Come on folks, Kirsten saved Big Pete from destruction and got him OTJ. He needs a home, NOW!!

He's just a diet controlled common brown/grey tabby, but Big Pete can tell you some great stories about his brush with animal control. He's now looking for that forever heart.
August 7, 2011--Sadly, we need to find a new home for Big Pete. He is presently with Kirsten in Rhode Island. Big Pete is a large-boned (15.5 lbs) black, brown, and tan tabby. We don't know his age, but to me he looks to be on the young side of middle age. His diabetes remains diet controlled on wet food. He was diagnosed with diabetes in May, and now spot tests between 62 and 81. He is FIV/FeLV negative and up-to-date on vaccines.
Kirsten has to rehome Big Pete because her Boston Terriers chase and otherwise terrorize him. Her other cats are afraid of him. Kirsten says "Pete is very loving. He loves to cuddle up with you. He thrives on affection. Pete is a big fluffy wonderful boy."
Please help us find a new home and heart for Big Pete.
June 29, 2011--Biggie has been renamed Big Pete, in honor of Kirsten's human friend named Pete who recently died from complications related to Type 1 diabetes. She tells me he has been in remission--OTJ!!-- for 2.5 weeks. This morning he tested 61. She was concerned that was too low, but I told her that was completely normal for a cat not getting insulin therapy. Way to go, Kirsten and Big Pete!!
June 1, 2011--Late the Friday evening of Memorial Day weekend, Donna started scrambling to find Biggie a home. She had fostered him in March 2011, but then he went back to the shelter to be placed in their adoption program. However, he was recently found to be diabetic, and Donna was concerned that Biggie would meet an untimely and unnecessary end.
Claudia, one of DCIN's friends and foster Mom to many adoptable diabetic cats, took up the call and started networking, because Biggie was in her state of Massachusetts. I learned about this on Saturday morning, and put up a call to save Biggie on DCIN's Facebook page. From what I understand, Laure networked Biggie's plight to Kirsten, and Kirsten stepped forward to adopt Biggie.
DCIN signed the papers to pull Biggie from the shelter and adopted him to Kirsten. Biggie gets a month of accident/medical insurance from DCIN as well as his Welcome to the Vet (WTTV) visit.
Kirsten has never treated a diabetic cat, but is a Type 1 diabetic herself, so she understands the disease. She also lost a close friend recently to complications from Type 1 diabetes, and adopted Biggie in her friend's memory.
I spoke to Kirsten today and she said that Biggie is a big cat that is very affectionate. Awesome was a word she used. Kirsten has become a member of the vampire club, having successfully tested Biggie's blood glucose level. She expects to start Biggie's on Lantus insulin tomorrow, once she receives it.
Biggie has not yet met the other furry members of the household, including three Boston Terriers, which Kirsten rescues. Kirsten says he is very interested in what is beyond his bedroom door.
1 comment:
I have had the biggest smile on my face! Yay for Biggie and Kirsten!
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