Initial post, 9/27/10--On August 11, 2010, after lurking the FDMB since June, Celi outed herself to the FDMB and to the DCIN. She and her diabetic cat Binks became an instant hit, with a great sense of humor and entertaining ways of giving updates. Celi needed some help to afford insulin for Binks. She was using a vial of Vetsulin (an veterinary insulin that has been pulled from the US market) that seemed to have pooped out. Celi was able to get a script for Lantus and DCIN sent her a couple of pens and some U100 syringes. DCIN also paid for a meter and some strips. Celi made a generous contribution to DCIN once her finances stablized. Celi and Binks continue to spread joy on the FDMB. I see from Bink's spreadsheet that he is doing very well and in a dose-lowering phase.
1 comment:
Just wanted to send you an ecstatic update on Binks...
Thanks to you stepping in initially, and the help from you folks and the FDMB...Binks went OTJ on 4/6/2011!
we are eternally grateful to you!
Celi & Binks
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