Four out of Five Cats
Initial Posting July 21, 2010--This is a courtesy posting because DCIN still is not intaking new cats for rehoming. However, should someone decide to adopt Little Kitty because of one of my postings, I will help to arrange transport. Email or PM me for contact information for Martha.
(BTW, I am working with Martha by phone and email to start her on hometesting and to evaluate Little Kitty's insulin dosage and the carb load of her food.)
Little Kitty is Martha's cat, a 14+ YO altered female insulin dependent diabetic. Martha cannot keep her because of out-of-town work commitments.
Little Kitty was diagnosed diabetic in March 2010, and is on some "flavor" of PZI; the dosage is 3 units twice/day (BID). LK's blood glucose is not hometested and there is no history of her blood sugar levels. No information about a history of diabetic ketoacidosis or hypoglycemia. Little Kitty was taken to the vet because of PU (excessive urination) and lethargy. No information about the tests that may have been done to validate LK's diabetic state. Martha says "Now she seems perfectly normal."
Martha tells me that the vet that has seen Little Kitty since she was young has recently lost all of LK's records. Martha says "She was up to date on [vacinnaitons] as of last year. I don't think she was tested for FIV or FeLV. [Healthwise] she's fine other [than the diabetes]. I know she doesn't have a thyroid problem, b/c she was just tested for that. No [behavior problems (such as spraying or inappropriate urination)].
Little Kitty is on canned food only. Martha says "Rather finicky. LOVES chicken and fish. Lost a lot of weight when she got the diabetes. Now that it is regulated, her appetite has returned with gusto." Martha also says that LK is "getting chubby again."
LK is an indoor/outdoor cat, with a strong preference for indoor the older she gets
Concerning her disposition, Martha says
Kitty is a sweetheart who doesn't mind being held over your shoulder for short periods of time. In general, if you're lying on a couch or bed and she's comfortable with you, she'll come sit on your tummy or lie next to you. She loves closets and drawers and armoirs. She loves to sprawl out exactly underfoot in the kitchen while you're cooking. She enjoys sleeping with you, but is totally fine if you don't allow her in the bed. At the vet, he usually has to sedate her to do bloodwork, though she's much more calm at the vet than she was as a younger cat. She has her claws and will occasionally swipe passing ankles.
About LK's behavior around other pets and children, Martha says
She doesn't usually like other cats and dogs, meaning, they don't become friends, but they don't usually stay total enemies. Once she's used to them, she's just pretty indifferent to them. I rented a room from a friend for a year, and she lived there with me. There were 4 other cats and 2 dogs. She did fine. Right now, my roommate has 2 dogs and she's fine with them. I haven't seen her around kids, but I can't imagine there would be a problem unless they antagonize her.
Martha explains how she had once rehomed Little Kitty.
I found her a new home when I moved to Austin, but it was a young couple who claimed they understood what they were getting into and that they really wanted to care for an older sick kitty. Two months after getting my cat, they got a kitten who was playful and quite aggressive. The girlfriend wanted to keep the kitten, so they gave back Little Kitty. She looked like she had aged years in those few months and had lost yet more weight. Now that's she back with me, she is gaining weight steadily and seems like her old self. I really think it was a factor more of them not treating her right. I'm not even convinced she was getting all the insulin she needed, much less the food!
In closing, Martha told me
I will take her back if it doesn't work and start over looking for someone else! I will pay for her insulin! I want her to be loved and happy—a home where it's easy for her to relax, b/c that's really what she likes to do most.
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