The bonded Boyz. |
Beasley will go to the bridge tomorrow.
Dian said that even though the end result will be the same, she is comforted that it is not FIP. I think she also seems comforted that she was able to get more-thorough and definitive diagnostics done, thanks to generous donations from those who love her and The Boyz. With the answers from emergency vetting, and even though it still hurts incredibly to lose him, dian hopefully will have no doubt that she is doing the right thing by her beloved Mr. B.
July 13, 2012--Beasley has been unwell for a couple weeks. He went again to the local vet on Wednesday and that vet said that the differential diagnosis (ddx) (the possible diagnoses when alternatives are possible) is cancer and FIP. We had an initial misunderstanding that FIP was her conclusive diagnosis and we announced that. We also found out that Beasley is FIV+.
Using the local vet's guidance, Dian started Mr. Beasley on a palliative dose of prednisolone. He immediately responded. Dian and I also have done some Internet research about FIP.
What Dian and I have decided is to have her take Beasley to a veterinary specialty hospital for more thorough diagnostics. The local vet is sending the referral today, and Beasley will likely start with an internal medicine specialist, moving onto an oncologist if that is the appropriate track. Thankfully, Dian has all of next week off work and will be able to take Beasley where he needs to be when he needs to be there.
I expect that the initial diagnostic workup by the specialist will involve imaging (probably an ultrasound) and the removal and evaluation of Beasley's abdominal effluent. I expect the initial treatment plan to involve removal of the abdominal effluent, continued predisolone, and broad spectrum antibiotics. Perhaps also pain medications as needed.
Dian and I will do our best to keep you all informed of the diagnostic steps and treatment plans. I know that many care deeply for the charismatic Mr. Beasley, and may have personal experience with similar symptoms that could help the veterinary specialists, Dian, and me decide what to do.
Also, unfortunately, I have to ask Mr. Beasley's friends to help DCIN pay for these diagnostics/treatment. These are PayPal buttons for that purpose.
Also, I ask anyone with excess medications that they think might be part of Beasley's treatment protocol (which right now we know for sure is predisolone, and which might involve a broad-spectrum antibiotic and pain meds), to please contact me at Venita@dcin.info. If the meds you have to donate are appropriate, I will ask you to ship them to dian. Mr. Beasley is not presently at risk of PTS. Dian and I have to talk about her philosophies for end of life care. All that is certain at this time is that Beasley will be seeing one or more veterinary specialists, and he will be traveling with Dian this Sunday to WV to spend some time with Dian's friend who has a gift of talking with animals so that Dian can get a better understanding of how Beasley is feeling, physically and emotionally. Thank you all so much for caring for Dian and Mr. Beasley. This has been an incredible hard couple of days on Dian. I also am very upset as the Orinch Boyz were DCIN's very first foster cats. But we will do our best to let you know what we know as we know it. ************************************************************************************ July 12, 2012--There are so many tears being shed by so many. Mr. Beasley has not been feeling well since June 23--feverish, not eating, lethargic, anemic. At yesterday's visit, the vet diagnosed him with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), an always fatal mutation of the common feline coronavirus. Mom Dian will be giving Beasley medications to reduce the inflammation and keep him comfortable. On Sunday, July 15, Dian will take Beasley to a dear friend of hers, who will facilitate communication between Dian and Beasley, and then help Beasley pass to the next step of his journey. This is such a sad milestone for DCIN. Beasley and Twinkie were DCIN's first foster cats, going to live with Dian in 2009 just as DCIN was becoming an organization. Fly free, dearest Beasley. Your Mom's heart is breaking for the loss of the strong, vibrant, healthy, happy, smart boy that is you. ~Venita *********************************************************************************** May 13, 2012, Mother's Day-- --Wake up, Twinkie. Today is a very special day. --What's so special about today? It's just another Sunday, Beasley. --Oh no, Twink. It's special for two reasons. Today is the day that beans and critters celebrate the love they have for their Mothers. And today is the day that we have a furever home together and a furever Mom. --What, we have to leave? I can't do that Beasley. I had such a hard time where we used to have a furever Mom. Dad hurt her and didn't like me and I'm not so sure that a furever home is a good place to be. --I know, Twink. It was hard for you there. But don't you like it here with Dian? --I love Dian, Beasley, and I don't want to leave her. I know she is just our foster Mom, but I want to stay here with you and Dian and Grandma and all the other kitties. I like being here. Is she sending us away because I get sick all the time? I can't help it. I want to feel better but the FIV disease makes me sick a lot. --That is the best part, my orinch brother. Dian is going to be our furever Mom. We've been here two and a half years, and the people at DCIN know that we are home and want to make it official. They asked Dian and she said that she wanted us to stay furever. --Really, Beasley? Are you teasing me? Is this really true? --Yes, Twinkie. It is really true. Dian is now our furever Mom and we get to stay with her and stay together furever. So do you want to go find Mom and wish her a happy Mother's Day? --Oh yes, Beasley. If I could cry, I would. I am so happy. I want to thank Mom for saving us and being our Mom furever.
They both have e-collars on. They have been and still are on Zyrtec [a second generation antihistamine]. Increased to 5mg/day. Stopped the anti-itch cream because with e-collar on, they are healing. The vet put them on an antibiotic, which appeared to do nothing. They have received flea medication. Beef has been eliminated from their diet, and now on Buspar. Personally I think it is a obsessive compulsive disorder because they will start grooming and then over groom one spot and start pulling out hair. It is not ringworm, mange, staph infection of skin, flea allergy, beef allergy, and the only fish they get is fish oil and that is one little cap squeezed out in AM. So will keep collar on and continue with Buspar and Zyrtec at least until Zyrtec is gone. Not sure it is really doing anything cause they do not appear to be itchy. They follow you around like puppy dogs and come when called. Twinkie this AM, when I opened the fridge (we have a commercial fridge), climbed in. Was so cute.*********************************************************************** Update 2/09/10--A video of Twinkie. A flyer that can be used to post information about Beasley and Twinkie is here. *********************************************************************

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