Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lia sophia Jewelry Party

July 15, 2013--Traci Bookbinder's lia sophia jewelry parties are among DCIN's most popular FUNdraising events.

From now through July 25, 2013 extended through July 28 at 10am Eastern--
We think of Ennis,
the former DCIN fundraising spokescat,
as the ultimate lia sophia model.
For this party, buy two pieces at full price (least expensive), buy up to four more at half price (most expensive). After July 25, 2012, Traci will ship your pieces to you. That will cost an additional $6.

Besides receiving a portion of Traci's commissions, if DCIN's friends collectively buy more than $250 of jewelry, DCIN will be able to pick up some hostess gifts that it will use in later FUNdraisers.

Sorry MIKEY!, but you just
can't wear gems the way Ennis could.