Friday, May 11, 2012

Jeddie Needs our Help

Hello Handsome!!
June 13, 2012--An update from Sheila, Jeddie's Mom.
Jeddie is headed to the oncologist for his second chemo on Thursday. He is hanging in, but has had a few bad days. He is not himself, but I get glimpses of his old self. He still purrs for morning brushing and sleeps next to me on the bed.
I honestly can't see him making it to 9 months, let alone a year. I don't think he is responding very well to the chemo and another month is going to be stretching it, but I will wait and see what the oncologist says on Thursday. Eating is just so difficult and time consuming for him.

'Thank you' is not enough to express how much I appreciate the generosity of everyone that chipped in to get Jeddie to the surgeon and then to the oncologist. This kind of support is so amazing and I am so grateful to you all. Thank you also to Venita and DCIN.

The team at DCIN pray and hope that the chemo works to give Jeddie quality of life, but we do understand that it might not. Our greatest hope is that Sheila continues to see some glimpses of Jeddie's old self every day he is with her.


May 24, 2012--This is from Sheila's post on FDMB about her vet's phone call about the biopsy results: "It is a carcinoma, but they are saying it is an adenocarcinoma. And it has infiltrated his lymphatics (I guess she biopsied a lymph node - don't remember that from the report). So there is a chance that it will spread, but maybe not before he's in trouble from the primary tumor."

Sheila is taking Jeddie to a veterinary oncologist today. DCIN is paying for that visit, even if it exceeds what we have been able to collect through the chip-in. Our best hopes go with you today, Sheila and Jeddie. ~Venita


May 11, 2012--Sheila adopted diabetic Jeddie in October 2009. Sheila already was caring for diabetic Beau, so diabetes didn't scare her.

But cancer does scare her, if the lesion Jeddie has under his tongue is indeed cancer. Sheila would like to have the growth diagnosed, but that involves a specialist, a surgical biopsy, and money Sheila doesn't have. Oral cancers usually have poor prognoses, but we often see oral lesions that are benign.

"As much as I want to go at this aggressively, in my heart I don't want to put him through a painful and disfiguring surgery making his last months awful. So, if it was cancerous, I would do what I can to keep him comfortable as long as possible. 
Jeddie and Snuggle Buddy Beau.

But it would be good to know as soon as possible if it isn't cancer and a treatment option can be figured out.

I feel like I don't have much time to make a decision. And I hate being at a place in my life where I can't just make a decision based on what is best for him and not my wallet."

Please help DCIN help Sheila, a friend to many, make this decision based on what is best for Jeddie. Let's get him to the surgeon!!

A Healthy and Happy Jeddie.
Jeddie Sick with Diabetes in 2009.

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