Maxwell ... certainly is no longer that skinny bedraggled boy that first arrived here, he is a lean 17lbs with a long flowing coat and every year I swear he gets more orange and less buff colored. He is such a character as well, he sleeps in bed with us every night. He starts out on either mine or Jon's pillow but once we settle down for the night Maxwell moves down between us so that he can sleep on his back under the covers with his head on the pillow. And there is nothing in this world he loves more than a good brushing to the point that I can't brush my own hair in the bathroom without him standing on the sink demanding to be brushed as well. So normally I end up with one brush in one hand doing my hair and another brush in the other hand brushing Maxwell.
June 1, 2011--A video of Max in his garden. ***********************************************************************************

Initial post 10/10/10--Heading on the PM from cjleo:
Orange Cat to be PTS TomorrowJust the heading on a PM I hate to see. I can't take such messages public; they break too many hearts and result in complaints about DCIN putting unpleasant information in front of people who care deeply but don't have the resources to help. It's Thursday, just shy of 3pm. Thinking, thinking, who might be able to save Max, even if just a foster bean? He's a former Katrina cat, so I think of Mel, whose Muse also was a Katrina cat. Within 15 minutes, I had a yes from Mel, subject to her husband's OK. That only took another 3 hours. And the issue of foster v. adopt depends on the approval of the other furkids. Claudia talked to the vet, and the vet got the family of the former owner (who had just gone into a nursing home) to agree to pay part of the vetting and bloodwork. Thursday evening and Friday we were coordinating transport, even though any rescue still was subject to Max's health status. He was vetted Saturday morning--got exam, snap test for FIV/FeLV (negative), bloodwork for CBC and Thyroid test (the second because the vet DX'd a stage 2 heart murmur that might be HypetT related), vaccines, and health certificate. Also a lion cut because of mats. We will have to dig deeper for Max's prior vet records because the family took him to a new vet for the PTS. Rescue is a go with Mel and DCIN, and Claudia popped Max into a carrier to take him home. She started him on Lantus insulin (his readings at the vet's office were in the 400s.) We are still planning transport for the ground portions of Max's trip from Massachusetts to Nebraska, but he will be flying from Boston to Omaha on Continental Cargo next Friday, October 15. DCIN is hoping for donations of about $370 to pay for the flight and vetting. DCIN will be supplying Mel with Max's insulin and diabetic supplies, and vetting if it can afford it. Max's purrsonality? An adaptable snuggle bunny, we are told, and vocal. Good thing he's vocal, because we are sure he has many interesting tales to tell.
1 comment:
Just a quick update on Fenix Maxwell...He is doing great in his new home with us. He went OTJ in about 3 days at our house in fact he got a total of a dose and a half, before starting to give me 50s and 60s, now he is in the the high 40s and low 50s. Since arriving at 10.5 and looking like a walking skeleton, he has gained almost 2 1/2 lbs and is filling out beautifully. Here is an updated photo of him
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