February 28, 2011--A notice from the rescue that placed Peaches with Donna:
I wanted to let you know that Peaches the diabetic cat passed away last night. She lived a full wonderful year with Donna, Nelson the cat and Zoey the dog.
Her diabetes was under control the whole time right up until her last couple days when she succumbed to renal failure. She lived to be 17 and what a blessing that she was not prematurely euthanized.
We all feel blessed to have known her. She was a precious kitty.

February 24, 2011--Another update on Peaches, from the rescue that placed her:
I wanted to let you know that I finally had the pleasure of meeting Peaches and Donna last week. Peaches is doing great! Donna will be working on home testing and I gave her a demonstration….Peaches is just the easiest patient too. Thanks so both of you for all of your support with this one, I am so glad that Donna found a way to keep Peaches, who I know is helping her through her difficult time.
November 19, 2010--From Peaches' Mom:
Hi, thank you so much for looking for a new home for Miss Peach. Come down to it, seems I can't give her up. Yes, she pees and poops outside the box and requires two shots a day and special food. And yes, I need help on some of my chemo days (I had second treatment yesterday and if it follows the pattern of treatment #1 I'll be pretty out of it for days 3 - 7). But when I got your email I realized that I don't want to give her up. Peaches is a very sweet old girl, and gets along with her four legged siblings. She's part of the family.
Jennifer and the folks at Our Companions will keep an eye out for Peaches. I am so glad "Miss Peach" gets to stay home.
Update 10/21/10--Jennifer got this email about Peaches.
We are going to need help with [a cat]. You may remember her from last March. Peaches is 16 year old diabetic kitty. The woman that has adopted her from us is suffering from serious medical problems and may need to re-home her again. No rush, but please keep her on DCIN’s radar.
Update 4/1/10--An email from the woman who was organizing Peaches's rescue
Hello friends of Peaches,
I wanted to thank you all so much for your wonderful offer to help, foster and rescue peaches.Our Companions found a perfect home for her with one of our volunteers who understands her needs and is committed to providing her with a forever home.
I wanted to especially thank you Jeanne, for offering to adopt her as well and to provide follow up expertise to her new adopter if she needs it.
It was also great to be introduced to the Diabetic Cats in Need resource and meet so many compassionate people.Hope we can stay in touch and best to all of you in your wonderful work to help the cats!
Update 3/30/10 pm--Jeanne (Marie) from the
Diabetic Cat Care group has stepped forward as a backup home for Peaches if no one else wants her.
Her first post on DCC said:
In my car
Have called about peaches
I am the back up option if needed
Later she wrote:
She looks like a beautiful and sweet princess. There is no doubt in my mind that she will end up in good hands..if she is meant to come and be with us, then she will be loved & cherished until her last days..if someone else's heart gets called to have her, than I am happy to my core about that as well..we just need to make sure that she gets a furever loving home..I think I am at that point..ummm what is 1 more cat? Whatever is best for her, than that is what she shall be given..
I just cannot comprehend just leaving her there to be PTS..it makes me cry when I see her face..she looks like she may have part Tabby in her..she could fit right in..and those white toes..they do look quite kissable..
just sayin... ;-)
Jeanne clarified for me in a PM, saying in part:
here is the deal...I fly home for a visit, I will be gone 1 week..I said [to the rescue person, Susan], count me in as an option, if someone else wants her, feels moved, then no delay give Peaches to them, if we hit snags, nowhere for her to go, then I am an option.
Jeanne also mentioned that Peaches "will have a ton of dental work done, and then be reassessed." I will try to find out what that means.
ETA: Concerning the dental, Jeanne tells me the Vet clinic is covering the Dental; Peaches has a horrid mouth. And Susan thinks Peaches is on Lantus. So Peaches might be an infection-induced diabetic. Ya think?
New posting, 3/30/10--An email Tucker's Mom got from a rescue in CT.
Attached is a couple photos of Peaches, a cat we are trying to save.
She is 16 years old and was recently diagnosed with diabetes. Even though she is in great health otherwise and has perfect blood work (liver, kidney, thyroid, etc) the owner opted to have her euthanized because she felt she couldn’t be inconvenienced with giving her the insulin she needs 2x/day.
She is a gentle and sweet cat (who has lived with other cats) and the clinic just adores her and couldn’t stomach the thought of killing a cat with a very manageable disease and contacted us to see if we can help find her a home.
I was hoping that one of the very special, wonderful, beautiful, awesome and dedicated OC volunteers might consider adopting Peaches and give her a loving home to live out her last years.
The clinic will keep her for a few more days then they will have to make a decision on her life.
Please consider adopting her and let me know if you might be interested. I can set up a time for you to meet her and it she will just steal your heart.
Thanks in advance!
Susan B. Linker
Chief Executive Officer
Our Companions Domestic Animal Sanctuary
P.O. Box 673
Bloomfield, CT
Please contact me, I have some questions and may be able to help with adoption.
Thank you so very much to everyone who offered to help Peaches. We found her a wonderful home.
I'm so grateful to learn of this network!
Susan Linker, Our Companions
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